Consumer Driven
Carbon Reduction

black red and white textile

Why us, why now...

Climate change impacts everyone.  It is a shared problem which demands a shared solution. The average consumer, however, has no way to impact the problem except to purchase voluntary carbon offsets, which are under great scrutiny, or to purchase green products and services which benefit the environment but often cost more and offer no direct economic incentive. ​suberin's vision is to link consumer and supplier behavior to carbon reduction through market-based incentives and rewards.

Who benefits...

suberin is driving carbon reduction for a triple bottom line impact to consumers, the environment, and businesses.

black red and white textile

How we do it...

Using behavioral economics, mobile payment technologies and AI-based analytics, suberin is changing the way consumers and suppliers engage. 

Behavioral Economics
Based on behavioral economic
techniques such as nudging (positive reinforcement/reward), gamification (scores and comparisons to aggregates/benchmarks) and framing (education/moral suasion) we propose to inform, empower, and impact consumer behavior toward lower carbon consumption.

Mobile Incentives and Rewards
Using mobile wallets already on millions of phones suberin tracks purchases and provides a real-time carbon consumption score. Scores improve based on purchases of greener products and services. Scores are tracked and compared to various standards and goals. Sellers provide incentives (cash, credits, discounts, perks) for greener purchases (marketing, demand creation).  This transfer of value can credited against seller’s corporate ESG or zero-carbon initiatives - better to give the benefit to customers than to questionable carbon-offset providers.

AI-Based Analytics
With full security for both the consumers and merchants, consumption behavior is available to analyze progress against the carbon reduction goals and opportunities for mutual economic benefit. 

Contact us

To find out more about suberin and its's consumer-centric approach to Carbon reduction 

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Climate Change Impacts Everyone
Everyone can Impact Climate Change